The evolution of bed-time

Dear sisters,

Archer and Era have a pretty great bedroom. Our house is a relatively simple design and the two main bedrooms upstairs are the same size as the downstairs living room and sitting room. They have beautifully high ceilings and the bedroom is large enough to fit what we call a queen sized bed (confusingly known as a king-sized bed here)* and a single bed. When we moved here, it seemed obvious to put them in together, as the third bedroom in the house is tiny and I was anxious to keep a guest bedroom.

When we first moved to the house in March, I started getting Era ready for bed at 7 to get her into bed at 7:30. Then I walked downstairs, played with Archer, started getting him ready for bed, and put him to bed at 8:30. I was spending a lot of time putting kids to bed, and I got tired of it. Archer and I had to creep into the bedroom quietly, and he loves to read and play before bed. And if Era happened to wake up, it was all over. She’d cry, and some nights I’d rock her to sleep in my arms until Archer fell asleep in his bed, and then I’d lay her down and creep out of the room.


Continue reading “The evolution of bed-time”

Friday links–Jewel edition

If I had a normal job I would probably have more internet-y style links to share with you. Back when I worked the circulation desk at the library I would be exploring the inter-webs often during my down time and that’s when I first discovered blogs and pinterest. These days though, my blog reading has condensed to a few of my favorites and my considerable down time at home is spent reading and watching shows on Netflix. Because I have most of the day free, I tend to limit my tv watching during the day. I end up feeling like a lazy bum if I’ve spent the morning watching something. Oddly enough, I don’t feel bad at all spending evenings watching tv. During the day I tend to read books as they don’t make me feel as lazy.  Many mornings you can find me with a cup of chai tea, curled up on the futon with Kelcy reading a book. I feel like I need to add a disclaimer that I don’t spend ALL of my time reading and watching movies. I may only work 4-5 hours teaching in the afternoon/evening, but I still try to do productive things with most of my time ;-).

So instead of links to cool blogs and videos I thought I’d share what I’ve been reading/watching for the past few months.

I don't need to stay up late to read anymore. But I was guilty of staying up way too late on a school night because I HAD TO FINISH MY BOOK!
I don’t need to stay up late to read anymore. But I was guilty of staying up way too late on a school night because I HAD TO FINISH MY BOOK!

Books: Continue reading “Friday links–Jewel edition”

Throwback Thursday: Sisters laughing

sisters laughingLook at this picture of us from four years ago this month. I think we were laughing at the motions and faces Mom was making in attempts to get the babies to smile. So much has changed even in those four years, and not just the size of the little ones. Though they’ve gotten so much bigger and so much more themselves. And Era joined us, and another little one is coming in a few months. Rach, am I right that you’ve moved at least three times since then? And same with you, Marth? Esther went to Mexico and then back to what is now her city.  Three of you earned degrees–masters Martha and Jewel and a bachelor Esther (ha!). I was a month away from starting directing at Alfred State, a job that changed a lot of things for me.  And so much more for all of us, all the things that shape the days and years.  What do you think the biggest changes were for you since this picture was taken? I’m looking forward to having us all together at another wedding this summer, though at least Esther’s dress will definitely be fancier for those pictures. I’m so ready to squeeze family members I haven’t seen in person in almost a year and enjoy whatever time we get together.

Love you muchly.


Cooking fail

Dear sisters,

I have to confess that I have a lot of cooking fails. When we cook together at family get togethers we always eat really well, I loved making that Chicken Curry with Coconut Milk from the July 4th reunion and making strawberry pies is my jam (hah. hah.).


This might make you think that I always cook perfectly at home. Not so. I’m a great special occasion cook, twice a week or so I plan a delicious meal that I can’t wait to make and eat. Last Friday we had lime and chipotle chicken sausage burgers with asian cucumber salad, kale chips, watermelon, and cherry clafoutis and I couldn’t wait to make it all. Continue reading “Cooking fail”

Friday links–Rachel edition

Hello, sisters! It’s Friday. Here’s a smattering of places on the internet I like to visit now and then.

If I could, I would wear this skirt every day while pregnant (oops, just realized they don’t have the design I own anymore! I have a whale design on a turquoise background). Maybe I should buy a second one? The one I own is starting to show signs of wear. Seriously, it’s so comfortable and beautiful, and can be maternity or non maternity. I love the designs of this company.

Continue reading “Friday links–Rachel edition”

The Merit of Family and the Farming Life

Esther here, but readers, we’ll be trying something new where we join together for a post! Look for the name in bold that starts a new sister’s section 🙂

Sisters, I enjoyed seeing three of you at our Buckwalter family reunion this past weekend! I love that the Buckwalters make a commitment to reuniting often. Marcus, who was meeting our extended Buckwalter family for the first time this weekend, said, “It’s like much of the niceness and peacefulness in the world got taken away from everybody else and put into your family,” so I think it’s safe to say he liked our family 🙂

You'll never find a more attractive view.
“You’ll never find a more attractive view.” –Jewel

Sometimes I think to myself how well the farming lifestyle molded our aunts and uncles. Continue reading “The Merit of Family and the Farming Life”

Maybe I like the city?

What do you remember our occasional trips to New York City growing up, sisters? I went about a week and a half ago. It was a different trip than what we used to do—no time with family, for one. Some friends and I made a quick trip to see an amazing show and spend some time in the city beforehand. The Big Apple has always felt like something I should enjoy. Doesn’t everyone want to be there? Usually, though, I was very glad to go and very glad to come again afterwards, glad to see new things and glad to return to my quiet, green, familiar community. The city was like sweets or something–wonderful in small amounts but overwhelming in excess and I hit excess quickly. Too bad that isn’t always true of sweets, huh? This time, though, I felt the allure of the city more than I have in the past.

Central Park against the city.
Central Park against the city.

City life always seemed so impersonal before. In our town, when the colleges weren’t in session, we pretty much knew everyone who drove by, didn’t we? Continue reading “Maybe I like the city?”

Charity Shopping

Dear sisters,

What kind of shopping are doing these days? The last couple of years of motherhood and poverty (grad school) have caused a big change in my wardrobe, towards simpler outfits and a lot more denim.  And it turns out I kind of actually dislike mall shopping. But I am the queen of virtual fake shopping, a skill most expats know too well. I have expensive tastes on a minimal budget, and mostly ogle maker companies like Imogene and Willie, Huit Denim, Of a Kind, Voices of Industry, and Fog Linen.  But alas, I have not the budget.

The one kind of shopping I like best is thrifting, the only place where I can (sometimes) buy the quality I seek at the prices I can afford. Continue reading “Charity Shopping”