live blogging my rainy Saturday

Hi sisters. It’s quiet here in my house. Eve is napping upstairs and Krestia and Miriam just left for an afternoon outing plus grocery shopping. I asked Krestia for a little rest time today. I have been feeling so depleted this week. A bad cold plus sleep deprivation (Eve! still not sleeping well–sleeping worse than she did as a newborn) makes me grumpy and sad. An afternoon at home, with tea and a baby and a few little housework items sounded like just the ticket. Except I’m an extrovert, and I don’t like being alone! So here I am, blogging instead of doing all the things I had planned. I look around my house and the to-do list is so vast I don’t know where to start. Also the baby could wake up at any moment, so when I contemplate starting something I think to myself, could I drop everything and get the baby if she wakes up, and leave the task incomplete? So far I’ve ruled out cleaning the fridge, mopping the floors and putting away laundry. Oh, and packing. We are moving in a month and nothing is packed yet. I think I may just have time to bake a strawberry cake. There’s always time for cake, right? So here’s how my afternoon went. 3 pm–start blogging. Baby wakes up as soon as I type the words that she is napping. Go get her. Decide to make cake. 3:15 pm–put baby in highchair and bring her in the kitchen with me. She’s happy. happy baby Continue making cake. Continue reading “live blogging my rainy Saturday”

Tips from a Young Decorator

I have loved many things about moving to Kentucky, and decorating our new apartment is high up on that list. I thought I’d share some of my favorite tips with you!

This post is partially inspired by this video. Excuse its language 😉 This video indicates that people transitioning from college students to adults should do the following in terms of interior decorating:

have plants. put things in glass jars and display them. have a bar cart / classy way to display alcohol. use throw pillows. set some candles out. experiment with lighting, instead of using harsh overhead lights. take down ugly college posters. put classy pictures of your life up.

I agree with these, and have some additional notes:

1) Get creative with your belongings. 

Continue reading “Tips from a Young Decorator”

All the things

Hi sisters,

I’ve been meditating on what to talk about here. I thought I might somehow talk about something not baby related, but realized that having a baby kind of seeps into all aspects of my life. If I were to write about cooking, I’d probably write about what it’s like cooking with a baby, or how my cooking has changed now that I have a baby. If I tried to write about what I’m watching/reading/filling my spare time with, I’d inevitably talk about how I do all of those things while nursing/burping/holding my baby. I’ve decided I’ll just start writing and see where I go. It will probably be fantastically all over the place. You’re welcome.

Hats with ears on them are the best.
Hats with ears on them are the best.

Continue reading “All the things”

A message from years ago

Dear sisters,

Miriam, Eve and I were in the car yesterday, headed to a potluck with friends. Miriam had brought along one of her favorite books to read on the way: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. Do any of you remember reading these books? Mom and Dad had them and gave them to Miriam on our last visit to their house. Miriam loves them. I wonder if they were given to us when Jewel and Esther were little? In any case, I don’t remember reading them as a kid. Now that Miriam is reading them, I’m impressed by the illustrations (some by Hilary Knight of Eloise fame, and one has illustrations by Maurice Sendak!).

mrs. piggle-wiggle

Continue reading “A message from years ago”